Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Cargan Garden

30th November 2018


The pupils in Foundation Stage have been very busy working in their Eco - Garden.  Brendan, Tony and Raymond prepared the ground and pathway for the children. They also assisted with the planting of the flowers, vegetables and of course the secret bulbs that are growing inside our colourful wellington boots.  We have installed two special hedgehog homes in our garden.  We await the arrival of a little hedgehog everyday but maybe as winter gets colder in Cargan, we will have success. Brrrr!

We have achieved our total and await the fairies delivering the fairy chair.  This will be a special place, as we anticipate the sunshine and the arrival of our first shoots in spring. Congratulations to our winners, we hope they enjoy their goody hamper.  

Every morning looking at our garden just delights our hearts as we arrive in school.  We appreciate all the hard work and enthusiasm. Thank you to all who helped us to achieve our goal.  

Thank you also to The Live Here, Love Here Team who supported us financially with our venture and  Glenravel and Districts Community and Residents’ Association who sponsored the fairy house.

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