Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Maths Eyes

11th October 2018


Maths Week Ireland 2018 begins on October 13 and to celebrate this tremendous event and to extend maths week into our homes and community I am promoting a ‘Maths Eyes’ competition for all pupils

When out and about in your local community, shopping, visiting etc look with your ‘Maths Eyes’. Take photos of maths. Send all entries to our school email:

All ‘Maths Eyes’ photos will be uploaded onto our website. Everyone will see the maths in Glenravel and surrounding community. Use your ‘Maths Eyes’ to capture symmetry, numbers, shapes, data, money etc. There will be spot prizes and an overall prize for the best ‘Maths Eyes’ picture. Closing date for all entries is Friday 19 October.

 So camera at the ready and ‘Maths Eyes’ wide open. I wish you luck and every success.

Fiona McConway (Numeracy Co-ordinator).


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