Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Summer Hamper Ballot

14th June 2021


All the old favourites are coming back and that includes the return of the PTA's famous hampers.

This summer's hamper includes:

Contents are as follows: twist up crayons, colouring book, jumbo chalks, share pack of Haribo, drinks bottle, giant bubbles, skipping rope, bat and ball set, seashore bucket set,

Tango giant ice pops, kite, frisbee, catch a ball, racket set, dart ball, paper plane gliders, pool inflatable, board game, dough craft, novelty fun water sprinkler, splash catapult, hydro power shot.

There will be no tickets this year (as a result of Covid). Instead, you will be given a number when you buy your £1 line.

The PTA will have a hamper ballot on both sites and the tickets go on sale on Tuesday 15 June 2021.

Good luck!

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